In 2019 our founder Mark Balla published "Toilet Warrior", a memoir of his personal journey to the toilet. Since that time, over 5,000 copies of his book have been sold resulting in thousands of dollars being donated to water and sanitation projects around the world. Click on the image below to find out more and buy a copy of this inspiring, witty and cleverly narrated book.
Two years later, following a visit to India with Mark, renowned children's book author and illustrator Trace Balla (Mark's sister), published "Cycling Together" - a story about closing the link between menstrual cycles and poverty cycles. Trace donated the book and all proceeds from sales of the book to Operation Toilets. Significant sales in Australia and beyond have further increased revenues for Operation Toilets ensuring that many more girls will be able to continue their education into their teenage years and beyond. Click on the image below to find out more and buy a copy of this truly beautiful story.